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Type 2 diabetes is one of the most common syndromes in primary care. However, the desired treatment may vary from patient to patient. Depending on the goals you discuss with the patient, you choose the care modules you want to use in your patient’s personal care plan. See below the care modules for type 2 diabetes.
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Better understanding of your patients' glucose levels.
Diabetes type 2 medication set faster.
Control of blood sugar is an important aspect of the treatment of type 2 diabetes. With this care module, Viduet offers the ability to intensively monitor patients with type 2 diabetes for glucose levels. Patients measure their glucose at home at desired times and sync each reading directly into the Viduet app via bluetooth. Viduet makes the measured daily curve transparent to caregiver and patient. When glucose levels are repeatedly measured to be too high or too low, caregiver and patient are informed in the desired manner so that medication can be adjusted in a timely manner.
In addition, the Viduet app allows the patient to be sent a questionnaire at desired times. The responses to this questionnaire provide insight into disease progression and confidence in performing diabetes-specific self-care activities. The answers to this questionnaire are made transparent to the health care provider so that consultations can be used more efficiently. When responses indicate that complaints have increased substantially, health care provider and patient will be informed in the appropriate manner so that immediate action can be taken
With this care module, Viduet provides the ability to adjust medication in type 2 diabetes patients. Patients measure their glucose at home at desired times and sync each reading directly into the Viduet app via bluetooth. Viduet makes the measured daily curve transparent to caregiver and patient.
When glucose levels are repeatedly measured to be too high or too low, caregiver and patient are informed in the desired manner so that medication can be adjusted in a timely manner.
After a medication adjustment, you can consult with the patient remotely and, if necessary, adjust the medication. Setting is much faster as a result. Moreover, the patient no longer needs to make an appointment to come to the practice. After the medication is properly set, you and your patient can move on to monitoring.