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Do you have a question about using Viduet? You may find the answer to your question below.
Please feel free to contact us. We are happy to help!
When you as a healthcare professional order a device, we loan this equipment to the patient. This way we can guarantee that the equipment is always ready to use (e.g. cleaning, changing batteries, installing updates, calibrating, etc.).
Healthcare professionals can choose delivery by mail or give it to the patient as a counter package. If you use counter packages, your stock is automatically replenished when it runs out.
As a healthcare professional, you decide how long a patient can use our measuring devices. By just pressing one button, you indicate that a device can be returned. From then on, no fees will be charged and Viduet’s support team will contact the patient to return the devices.
Viduet has excellent communication with EHR systems of primary and secondary care organizations. Simple interfaces are used for the exchange of measurement data and questionnaire responses. Further integration is possible, for example to create a new patient in Viduet at the push of a button in the EHR, or to see a graphical overview of the course of a measurement value in a webview within the EHR system.
The cost of using Viduet consists of three components:
Our support department is ready to answer patients’ questions about using Viduet. In our communication to patients, we advise them to always contact us if they have a non-medically substantive question. This allows healthcare professionals to remain focused on their medically substantive tasks.
Viduet interfaces with Aurora Innovation’s TeleQ system. This way, you can also receive notifications from Viduet as callbacks in your own TeleQ environment. In addition patients can also schedule appointments with their healthcare professionals themselves through the Viduet app.
To support healthcare providers in monitoring their patients’ measurement compliance, Viduet offers them a “Safety net functionality.” Once you turn on the safety net for a patient, Viduet’s support department will actively monitor a patient’s measurement compliance. If a patient has not measured after several reminders in the app, we will contact your patient by phone. If the patient still does not perform his measurement after that, we will contact you. This way, you no longer have to contact a patient yourself to get a measurement done.