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Fit for surgery

Being fit for surgery contributes to faster and better recovery

Research has shown that patients who are fit prior to major surgery often recover faster and better.Viduet offers the ability to remotely coach patients in the period leading up to major surgery. Read more about the care modules Viduet offers for this Fit for surgery concept below.

With Viduet you save time within your hospital


  • Interoperable with EHR
  • More efficient consultations
  • Insight into measurement compliance
  • Personalized care

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Help patients to get fit prior to major surgery.


Help patients to get fit prior to major surgery

This care module aims to improve a patient’s condition to make them more resistant to surgery. Within this care module patients use smartwatches with our own Activity Coach software. With the Activity Coach software on the smartwatch, the patient is coached to exercise more in the period prior to surgery. The caregiver easily sets bandwidths for activity and can adjust them during the course. In addition, Viduet offers the ability to automatically increase patients’ activity goals via an algorithm developed by The Catholic University of Leuven. In this way, Viduet helps patients to take more self-direction during their prehabilitation.

In addition to coaching on activity, this care module also contributes to improving nutrition and offers mental coaching and help in quitting smoking and/or drinking alcohol.

Viduet offers the important advantage that patients can easily involve their own caregivers from other healthcare organizations. If the patient is on a course with the physiotherapist, dietitian or informal caregiver, they can all easily be involved into the patient’s personal care plan in Viduet.

ISO 27001NEN 7510CE